Borel Drama

We have the most admired drama program in the San Mateo-Foster City School District! More than 150 students take part in our program throughout the year. It is 100% funded by family and community donations. Opportunities to support Borel Drama include ticket sales, donations, sponsorships and advertising for the spring musical. We know that every family is different, and hope that you’ll donate in ways that best suit your budget.


Visit Borel Drama


Donate to Borel Drama



Borel Music

Welcome to the 2021 - 2022 School Year and the Borel Music Boosters! This will be an extraordinary and unpredictable year. Though things will look much different with Distance Learning, we still need your support to give ALL music students a dynamic, fun and engaging music program. Every donation is greatly valued and will directly support:
  • Classes taught by our amazing music staff
  • Virtual Concerts
  • Instruments, music, and teaching to all students in our Borel community
  • Smart Music online accounts
  • Music Coaches
  • Opportunities for qualified students to perform and study advanced music
Learn more about Borel’s Music Department, join Borel Music Boosters, and see a list of our generous donors by visiting the Borel Music website.





Borel Sports

Borel is proud to field multiple teams in eight different sports including Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, and Flag Football.

More information about the 2021-2022 school year is coming soon!




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