Borel's Annual Cultural Fair

Online tickets must be purchased by 9 PM, Tuesday, March 26th. Otherwise, you can buy your tickets at the entrance to the event.


The Annual Cultural Fair is a week-long celebration of Borel's rich cultural diversity. Get excited for our 33rd Cultural Fair - a much-loved community-building event that brings families together to share their heritage, cultural artifacts, and wonderful foods representing many cultures. Past countries/cultures have included Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Burma, China, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Philippines, Germany, Hungary, Holland/The Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and many more.


Festivities include:

  • Social studies class "World Tours"
  • Scavenger hunt in the magically transformed Borel Gym
  • An evening food fair where students, their families, and friends enjoy food from over 20-25 different cultures


Celebrate our school's rich cultural diversity:

  • Friday, March 22, 2 to 6 pm: Decorate Barneson Gym
  • Saturday & Sunday, March 23 - 24, 1 to 5 pm: Booth Decorations & Set Up, Borel Barneson Gym
  • Monday, March 25, 8:20 am to 3:03 pm: During School, Social Studies Scavenger Hunt! Barneson Gym
  • Wednesday, March 27, 5 to 7 pm: Cultural Food Fair! Barneson Gym - Come and taste food from around the world; $1/ticket


Food Fair Tickets:

  • Purchase Food Fair Tickets Online till March 26th and avoid the line!
  • Each ticket costs $1, and you use tickets to purchase the food at the event. Food Plates can run between 3 and 5 tickets, depending on the type of food. Typically, 40 tickets are suitable for a family of 4. Pick up your purchased tickets at the Food Event (Wednesday, March 27, 5-7 pm). The tickets will be available by the Purchaser's Last Name. You can purchase additional tickets at the Food Event.


Want to sponsor a booth or be a cultural performer?


Want to be a Student Docent?

  • Click HERE for more info.



Thanks to our Generous Sponsors of the Borel Cultural Fair!



Stay in the loop to find information that’s specifically curated for Borel families.