Communication Guidelines
All school communication vehicles are for the exclusive use of the school and/or PTA. They are NOT advertising vehicles for individuals or businesses. When needed, submissions will be forwarded to the PTA President(s) and/or Principal for review and approval before publication.
Borel PTA Communications:
Borel School Communications:
1. Borel Bobcat Chat (Published on Tuesday)
Please submit your requests for items to include on the Borel Bobcat Chat to Rona Watson at
Limit to a max of two hyperlinks per blurb to focus the actions. Too many links will only decrease the probability of a member following a needed URL.
Link Action
Each link in the blurb has to have an action attached, such as purchase, donate, sign-up, email, etc. Avoid linking pdf, documents, images, and flyers.
Chat Blurb
Simplify the message and limit it to one paragraph. Additional information can always be added to the web page.
The Chat is scheduled for 10:00 AM every Tuesday. Therefore, any content to be included in the Chat is due by 9:00 PM Sunday evening.
Canva Pro design platform is available for PTA graphic needs. Please contact the PTA Tech Lead at for access. Otherwise, please contact the PTA graphic designer at with the specific graphic need. Please allow a week for discussion and revisions. When creating a banner for an event, please also create an image of the same design for the Borel Bobcat Chat. Please refer below for PTA graphic file standards.
- File format: PNG
- Borel Bobcat Chat: 300px by 300px
- Homepage slider: 795px by 300px
- Homepage blurb: 250px by 166px
- Website side panel: 250px by 166px
- Webpage banner: 795px by 140px (with side panel), 1050px by 140px (without side panel)
2. Borel PTA Website
Please submit requests for this Borel PTA website ( to Heather Nayak at Please allow a week for forms and complex webpage needs. Since the webmaster is supporting us during the weekends, please plan accordingly.
3. Borel PTA Facebook Page
Please submit requests for items to be included on the Borel Bobcat Boosters Facebook Group page to Lou McGee at Note that we can only post about Borel PTA or school news. No photos, please. We cannot honor posts about all feeder schools, high schools, neighborhood events, charity events, etc., as content is highly curated to PTA or Borel school news to stay relevant for Borel Middle School families.
1. Borel Bobcat Blast (Published on Thursday)
PTA Related Submissions
Please submit it to Rona Watson ( The Blast is scheduled for every Thursday, but any content to be included in the blast is due by Monday, noon the week of the blast.
School or Community-Related Submissions
Submit School or Community items to Katherine Russell in the Borel office at, and it is due by Friday, noon the week before the blast.
For both submission types
- Format the subject line of the email as Borel Bobcat Chat, date of release, Event (i.e., Borel Bobcat Chat, 9/12/23, Borel Boosters)
- The headline should be bold, underlined, and no more than eight words.
- The article should be concise and no more than 1 paragraph with an Ariel font size of 10 points.
- Please limit to two hyperlinks per blurb, including a contact email. Add the flyers and additional links to the webpage instead of the blurb.
- Avoid links to pdf/document/image flyers unless no action is needed from the members, such as sign-up, donate or purchase, etc.
- Make sure the destination page or action is ready if any, before emailing the article.
- Attachments may be included. Attachments must be attached in Microsoft Word format.
- Submissions must be edited and ready for print.
- Copy the appropriate board member.
- Note: If the event needs to be advertised over multiple weeks, you must resubmit your email every week. Repeating information can be necessary; however, please do not overuse it.
2. Borel Middle School Website
Please submit all requests for the Borel School Website ( to Alyssa Goldrath, the Borel Webmaster, at Information can be published in the following ways:
The Borel Bobcat Blasts are automatically posted on the Borel website. The home page content is at the discretion of the Principal. Major PTA events, such as Magazine Sales, Table Top Lunch, etc., can be included on the Home page news.
Submission Deadline: As soon as the date is confirmed. Guidelines on what should be on the calendar: tryout dates for sports, but not all games and practices, all significant events and fundraisers. The calendar is located in the right column of the Home page. Information should include the date of the Event, Title of the Event, Event details or forms (optional)
Static Web Pages
To be used for reference materials. A special section where flyers are kept and can be downloaded by users. New web pages can be created to hold longer communications. For instance, pages are created to support Boosters, Reflections, Table Top Luncheon, etc. Articles submitted for the weekly blast can be shorter and can have links to this area of the website that include additional details. There are pages for each sport where game/meet schedules are kept.
3. Automated Telephone System
Reaches every family in Borel with a recorded telephone message. The principal and her staff approve and record messages. Intended for school-wide notices such as Back-to-School night, Parent-Teacher conferences, and unusual minimum days. PTA and extracurricular groups will use it occasionally for essential needs such as Fundraising Drive, Cultural Fair, and Spring Musical. If the activity is PTA-related, please contact the PTA President for approval.
4. Spanish Translations
In keeping with our commitment to inclusivity, all PTA and parent communication must be translated into Spanish. Katherine Russell in the Borel office is the contact for coordinating translations. Reach her at

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